Art can help children’s development in a variety of ways. It can help children develop life and social skills, as well as teach them how to collaborate and follow directions. Furthermore, it enhances children's problem-solving and critical thinking abilities, as well as their creativity and imagination. I believe that it is critical for growing children to be exposed to art on a regular basis.
In this spirit, I designed a weekly art kit program called “Artcycle” for 4–7 year old children. Artcycle is more than just an art kit; it is a kit for children to explore arts and crafts using recycled materials at home (e.g. making caterpillars out of egg cartons and making necklaces out of tissue rolls). The kit includes all of the art supplies needed for crafting, an instruction guide, and stickers. When parents sign up, they'll receive a monthly schedule and a weekly reminder of what to prepare before the kit arrives. Artcycle has 5 brand characters to keep children entertained and engaged. To pique the interest of children, characters are designed out of vibrant-colored shapes. Four main characters are in round, triangular, square, and pentagonal shapes, and they guide children through the instructions in each kit. Another character is in the combined shapes of other four main characters, and it acts as a teacher providing recycling facts.
Artcycle’s weekly art kit will not only aid the development of children, but will also educate them about the importance of recycling and environmental protection.